At Ohio Valley Chiropractic we are extremely proud to offer Standard Process and Mediherb products! We have some in stock and will be happy to order any of them for you, below is a list of all available supplement. If you are interested in any products please email us and we we can have your order ready for pickup or ship it directly to you. Ordering your supplements directly from Dr. Hoepfner will guarantee that are getting high quality supplements directly from Standard process. Email your order to and you will quickly hear back from us. Please include you name and phone number, we are happy to help with any questions or concerns.
Standard Process products aren’t just vitamins, they’re all-natural, organically grown, whole-food nutritional concentrates. In other words, the ingredients aren’t synthesized facsimiles of vitamins and minerals made in a laboratory. The ingredients for Standard Process products are taken directly from whole foods. Standard Process oversees every process, from the organic farming that provides the raw ingredients, to the packaging of the final product.
In all, the company performs more than 1000 tests on their products before they come to you. Because of tier stringent testing, Standard Process guarantees that each supplement is made from organic ingredients, is gluten-free and meets the exact potency that’s stated on the label. The Standard Process Company not only meets Federal and State quality regulations, their internal production and quality control standards go above and beyond Federal and State regulations.
A-C Carbamide Adrenal Desiccated A-F Betafood Albaplex Allerplex Antronex B6 Niacinamide Betacol Betafood Betaine Hydrochloride Bio-Dent Biost Black Currant Seed Oil Calamari Omega-3 Liquid Cal-Amo Calcifood Calcifood Powder Calcium Lactate Calcium Lactate Powder Cal-Ma Plus Calsol Cardio-Plus Cardio-Plus GF Cardiotrophin PMG Catalyn Catalyn Chewable Catalyn GF Cataplex A Cataplex A-C Cataplex A-C-P Cataplex B Cataplex B-GF Cataplex B Cataplex C Cataplex D Cataplex E Cataplex E2 Cataplex F Perles Cataplex F Tablets Cataplex G Cataplex GTF Cayenne Pepper Cellular Vitality Chezyn Chlorophyll Complex Chlorophyll Complex Ointment Cholacol Cholacol II Cholaplex Cod Liver Oil Collagen C Collinsonia Root Congaplex Congaplex Chewable Copper Liver Chelate Cruciferous Complete Cyrofood Cyrofood Powder Cyro-Yeast Cyruta Cyruta Plus Dermatrophin PMG Diaplex Disodium Phosphate Drenamin Drenatrophin PMG Echinacea C E-Manganese Emphaplex Enzycore Epimune Complex e-Poise |
Fen-Cho Fen-Gre Ferrofood Folic Acid B12 For-Til B12 Garllic Gastrex Gastro-Fiber Ginko Synergy Glucosamine Synergy Hepatrophin PMG Hypothalamus PMG Hypothalmex Immuplex Inositol Inositol Powder Idonomere Iplex Lact-Enz Lactic Acid Yeast Ligaplex I Ligaplex II Linum B6 Livaplex Magnesium Lactate Mammary PMG Manganese B12 Min-Chex Min-Tran Multizyme Myo-Plus Myotrophin PMG Neuroplex Neurotophin PMG Niacinamide B6 Nutrimere Oculotrophin PMG Okra Pepsin E3 OPC Synergy Orchex Orchic PMG Organically Bound Minerals Ostarplex Ostrophin PMG Ovatrophin PMG Ovex Palmettoplex Pancreatrophin PMG Paraplex Parotid PMG Phosfood Liquid Pituitrophin PMG Pneumotrophin PMG Prebiotic Inulin Prolamine Iodine Prostate PMG Prost-X ProSynbiotic Protefood Regeneplex Renafood Renatrophin PMG Ribonucleic Acid RNA Rumaplex Senaplex Sesame Seed Oil Soybean Lecithin SP Cleanse SP Complete |
SP Complete 1-oz Packets SP Complete Chocolate SP Complete Vanilla SP Green Food Spanish Black Radish Spleen Desiccated Spleen OMG St. John’s Wort-IMT Super-EFF Symplex F Symplex M Thymex Thymus PMG Thytrophin PMG Trace Minerals B12 Tuna Omega-3 Chewables Tuna Omega-3 Oil USF Ointment Utrophin PMG Vasculin Wheat Germ Oil Wheat Germ Oil Fortified Whey Pro Complete Whey Pro Complete 20-g Packets Whole Food Fiber Zinc Liver Chelate Zinc Test Zymex Capsules Zymex Wafers Zymex II ZypanStandardBar Berry Soy Almond CrunchStandardBar High Protein Cocoa Cherry Cocoa Crisp Peanut ButterConvenience Packs Adrenal Health Bone Health General Female Endocrine General Health 21 Day Purification Product Kits
10 Day Blood Sugar Support Product Kits
Test Kits & Accessories |